food is aloha

food is aloha

We envision a future for Maui where food access is collaborative, coordinated and community led. The future is now. Emergency Feeding Taskforce for Maui performs research-led innovation to create systemic solutions for food security. We engage government, nonprofits, businesses and community groups to feed Maui now.

Every meal matters on Maui

Emergency Feeding Taskforce for Maui is a coalition that provides leadership and opportunities to feed Maui now so that organizations can make data-driven decisions. Our work focuses on these core areas. Crisis Response & Planning for future disaster response. A Sustainable Food System for the island’s long-term food security. Education & Training on how to grow food, reduce waste and build resilience. Advocacy for progressive policies. Natural Resource Stewardship for better resource management and conservation to protect Maui’s environment. And Community Resilience Initiatives that address the root of food insecurity and poverty.

Meals Distributed
Distributed Food Value

Our values

Our values steward our collective guidance to feed Maui and empower our island’s people to focus on their plan to thrive rather than worrying about their next meal. Stability is the pathway to prosperity.

empower. organize. nourish.

Our partners have mobilized Maui’s community for efficient food distribution with our collective’s comprehensive network of grocery stores, food banks, farmers, food manufacturers, food hubs, hot meal providers and more.

sow the seeds of food security

Our coalition brings greater collective intelligence and leadership to feed Maui now. We aim to cultivate resilient futures for generations to come. Poverty, food injustice and inequality will not persist on Maui.